This is the tale of my gory journey into the world of quilting. Be warned, this may not be for the faint if heart! There will be....
Terrible quality phone pictures! (I actually have some of those for you below.)
Fussy cuts!
Uneven seams!
Cursing curves!
Maybe even a project I finish occasionally IF YOU CAN BELIEVE IT!
A little bit about me! My name is Hannah, I'm 25, and I'm a swell gal.
This is my face! I do not take selfies because this is always the face I make when I do. (FYI I was in a parking lot, parked, I just hadn't taken my seatbelt off. I am pro-safety and also pro-me not getting in car wrecks.)
And here is a picture of me looking normal. In terrible bathroom lighting! (I took this picture just to have one of me looking not scrunchy-faced so don't judge me too harshly.)
My favorite things in the world are books, swimming, sewing, video games, board games, TV, cats, cupcakes, batman, my friends and family, and... I love a lot of things! This is a specific favorite thing, my cat Narthanax. We call her Nar Nar for short. She is furry and plump and this is an unusually photogenic moment for her.
Now you may be asking... "But Hannah! There are a thousand quilting and sewing blogs out there! There are tons with amazing content! Why would you start a blog about your silly beginner fumblings?"
Ahh, an excellent question. One I've also asked myself. But the thing was - the online quilting community seemed a wonderful, exciting, welcoming place. But it was also - at least to me - very intimidating! Everyone seems super nice, but I am just worlds away in level of skill. I read a few learning-to-sew type blogs, but those are for garments. And since maybe someone struggling with the same thing I was could relate to my struggle, and I love writing, I figured while there might not be a niche for "I'm a beginner how do you quilt!" blogs, I could still maybe contribute to the overall conversation by sharing what I learn, making people like me feel less intimidated (I am actually quite sure there are other blogs exactly like that out there, I just didn't really find any ahh ha), and maybe share some useful resources I find! Also just to talk and connect with people; I want to be friends with everyone! :)
Other Haunts
* I have a book blog, as well:
*Instagram: audacious_squid
*Twitter: @audacious_squid
*Tumblr (brand-new):
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